Maintain Staff and Members

Maintain Staff and Members

Maintain Staff

Select the "Administration" module.



On the next page, select "Accounts".

Use the filters to customize the list of users on the page. You may choose to include inactive users, specify an access level, search for a particular name and change the way the list is ordered. Don’t forget to select the "Apply filters" button when you are done editing the criteria.

Select the Name link for the appropriate person whose information you wish to change.

Note: This page allows you to view whether a user has a verified email, the last time they logged in and whether they are currently online.

Edit the basic information of this person as necessary. A user’s access level will determine what he/she can see on the system. Note that DD Councils will also see the word "Council" in the access levels.

  • Staff: access to all grants and activities that they are associated with through the Your Staff People assignments for an activity, as well as any projects for which they are Primary Staff.

  • Member: may have read-only access depending on a Funding Organization's preferences.

  • Local Admin: full access to the system.

  • Executive Director: full access to the system.

Finish editing all other user information, including whether they are active and/or authorized.

Note: If a grantee has submitted a request to join your Council or Funding Organization, you should deny the request by choosing “Inactive” in the ‘Active’ dropdown and “Denied” in the ‘Authorized’ dropdown.

If staff or a member of your organization needs to change their password, you may do it for them. A notification e-mail will be sent to this user but you may be responsible for notifying that person that their DD Suite password has changed.

Select the "Save" button.

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