Reports and Queries

Reports and Queries

Reports and Queries include a variety of views into your DD Suite data. The links to Federal Reporting modules have additional modules. PPR Preparation is a link to several more reports which are geared to creating your PPR.


Project Reporting

  • Project Updates by Periodic Report Dates: with a large set of filtering options, this report is used for collecting progress by Grantees.

  • Periodic Reports Due is convenient for planning what to expect from Grantees. Generates a list of reports that are upcoming and due.

  • Periodic Reports Overdue lists Grants and Internal Projects/Activities with overdue Expense and Program Reports.

Measuring Performance

  • Project Review for PPR - provides an overview of all projects in a fiscal year. The purpose of running this report is to ensure that the subsequent reports pull in the right information for the PPR. The State Plan Objective associated with each Project Objective, as well as the Reporting Year set for each Program and Summary Periodic Report are listed. Missing information is highlighted in red.

  • Key Performance Indicators by Objectives - this report details Performance Measures as related to Organizational (or State Plan) Objectives. With many filter options, DD Suite provide various views of the data. Demographics and sub measures are not included in this report.

  • Demographics by Objectives - similar to KPIs by Objectives but includes only demographic indicators. Otherwise, the filters and views are the same.

  • Key Performance Indicators by Goals - this report provides many filter options and allows a clear view of progress towards the goals. Demographic indicators and sub measures are not included.

  • Demographics by Goals - shows only the demographic indicators and sub measures, and their association with Goals.

  • Program Narratives by Organizational Objectives - retrieves narrative responses (overview, objective, activity and/or key performance indicator) from Program Reports, based on Organizational Objective.

  • Summary Narratives by Organizational Objectives - displays responses to Summary Questions, based on Organizational Objective.

  • PPR Preparation Reports - is the DD Council roadmap of the reports to use for the annual PPR.


  • Spending and Match Report - summarizes year to date spending information from expense reports.

Search Other Councils

This section is for DD Councils only, and will give each Council some insight into what colleagues are doing.

  • Search NoFAs (RFPs) - search through NoFAs (RFPs) across Councils.
    Search Projects- search through Projects and Reports across Councils.

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