Project Updates

Project Updates

Project Updates

The Project Updates Report imports information from Grants and Council Activities Periodic Reports into a single document. The multiple filtering and sort options allow you to create customized reports to match your needs. You can sort by project type and/or report type to generate a comprehensive document including all Report Narratives or a simple summary document showing the status of Periodic Report submissions.

Log-in to the DD Suite and select “Reports and Queries”.

In the Project Reporting section, select the link titled "Project Updates".

Choose your filtering options


  1. Select the Project Type (Grants, Activities, or both)

  2. Choose whether or not you would like to include details.

    1. For Programmatic Reports, these details include the Project Workplan and the Report Narratives.

    2. For Expense Reports, the details include the reported Council and Match Expenses, as well as Report Narratives.

  3. Select the report type

    1. Expense, Program, or both.

  4. Determine the status of the Periodic Reports to be included in the report.

  5. Select the type of date used in the range specifications of the reports

    1. Report end date or report due date.

  6. Select the date range of the Periodic Reports.

  7. Include keywords to search for in project titles and project numbers. Be sure to separate keywords and phrases with commas.

  8. Choose the order in which you want the projects to appear.

  9. Select the “Apply filters” button to initiate the search.

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