Spending and Match

Spending and Match

Year to Date Spending and Match Report

This report returns the sum of the reported spent Council funding and match amounts within a date range. Councils will be able to track spending and match against initial Project amounts. Retrieved budget reports are based on the report's end date and date range entered.

Go to the Dashboard and click on Reports and Queries Module then go to Financial Spending and Match Report.


Select your filters and click Apply Filters.

  • Project Type: Options are Both, Grants, and Internal Projects (i.e., Council Activities)

  • Report Status: Options are Submitted and Accepted, Accepted Only, or Submitted Only

  • Date Range: The date range entered will determine which Expense Reports are retrieved. Expense Reports whose end date falls within the range will be included in this Report.


Some project information, such as initial funding amounts and match amounts are provided for context.

Export to CSV will generate the report into a comma separated file that can be viewed in Excel. The export includes exactly the same information that is on the page.