Grantee Expense Reporting

Expense Reporting

After an application is awarded, the status will change to an Approved Grant and the Expense Reports for that grant will be displayed in the Tasks section on the Dashboard (based on the due dates), as well as in the Periodic Reporting Module.

The due dates for Periodic Reports are listed on your application.

  1. On your dashboard, select the “Periodic Reporting” button.

  2. Identify the expense report that needs to be completed and submitted (the status should read “Not Started” or "in progress") and select the appropriate link.


  3. In the “Expense Report Narrative” field, describe any financial issues or achievements.

  4. The system automatically provides the sum totals of the budget categories for the Budget Totals section; generated from the approved Project Budget Plan (these fields are not editable).

    A description of each column is provided below:

    • Prior – The amount of funds spent that you have reported prior to the current reporting period.

    • Current – The amount of funds that you spent during the current reporting period.

    • Cumulative – The cumulative amount of funds spent through the end of the current reporting period (sum of Prior and Current columns).

    • Projected – The amount for the project in your approved Project Budget Plan.

    • Unspent – The amount of funds that have not yet been spent for the project.

  5. In the “Current” column, itemize expenses directly incurred by grant activities under the appropriate categories (for example: personnel, travel, supplies, etc.…), in accordance with your approved Project Budget Plan. Enter the amounts being charged to the project for the reporting period (for each category).

    *Note: If the funding organization is a DD Council, then the grantee will see columns for matching funds. Otherwise, match columns will not appear.


  6. Some Councils allow a Grantee to add a budget line item in the report. The new item is approved when a Council Accepts the submitted report.

    To add a new line for a specific budget category, select the “Add a line item to…” link. If the line is rejected, the Council will send the report back to the Grantee for modifications, and the Grantee will have to remove the item.

  7. For each additional budget line, fill in the proper information in the “Nature of Expense” and “Current” fields.

  8. Remember to save your work by selecting the “Save Report Changes” button.


  9. Select the “Save and Submit Report” button when you are ready to submit.

    *Note: A notification e-mail will be sent out to the staff member(s) to whom the grant is assigned.


  10. The Funding Organization may allow its grantees to view internal comments in order to communicate with them. In this case, the "Funding Organization Comments" will appear at the top of the report overview page.