Funding Orgs NoFA / RFP

Funding Orgs NoFA / RFP

Notice of Funds Available (NoFA) / Request for Proposal (RFP) Overview

Note: NoFA and RFP are used interchangeably in the documentation. DD Councils will continue to see NoFA terminology, while other types of Funding Organizations may see RFP.

Funding Organizations can create NoFAs / RFPs at any time. A NoFA / RFP will appear publicly on the DD Suite Home Page if it has been Posted and the due date has not passed. Funder Staff can De-Post a NoFA / RFP at any time.

As long as the due date has not passed, Applicants can start an application. Once the due date is passed, Applicants can continue an application, but cannot begin one responding to a NoFA / RFP.

Some NoFAs / RFPs are intended for particular grantees and do not need to be publicly posted. For information on inviting a grantee to apply, visit the NoFA / RFP->Post and Forward help page.

NoFAs / RFPs can be cloned. If your grants include some common instructions (sections) budget categories and/or questions, consider creating a template NoFA / RFP to use for cloning. You can then clone this template when creating a new NoFA / RFP, and will need to add only the pieces specific to the new project.

FYI: All Local Admins can see all projects. However, only Staff who are specifically added to a NoFA / RFP will be able to monitor those grants and reports. Staff can be added to a grant later in the process, but during the creation of the NoFA / RFP is the easiest time.

Letters of Interest

DD Suite now offers an additional phase of grant management called Letters of Interest. Letters of Interest can be used to conduct an initial screening of potential grant applicants. Granting agencies request and review short summary proposals, and then choose which applicants to invite to submit a longer grant application.

When used, the Letter of Interest is the first phase of an application for potential grantees. As with NoFAs/RFPs, the applicant must have a verified account and organization on DD Suite to respond to an LOI. They will be required to answer all questions, and then submit their Letter of Interest.

The Granting agency evaluates the LOI’s and approves or denies each one. If approved, the applicant is invited to complete the full grant application. DD Suite will move information into the application as was indicated in the LOI setup, and create an in-progress application for the applicant.

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