Organizations Staff

Organizations Staff

Viewing Organizations Projects

The organizations listed here have applied for a NoFA and/or been awarded a Grant.

Log-in to the DD Suite and select the "Administration" module.



On the next page, select "Grantee Organizations".

Select the Organizations Staff link

Use the filter to include inactive users. Select the "apply filters" button when you are done editing the criteria. All organizations that have an application or a grant with the council will be listed.

View the list of all organizations associated with your Council.

Select the +/- link to show and hide staff details for a specific organization.

To show the staff for every organization listed, select the “show details” link. To hide the details for every organization, select the “hide details” link.

Click on export details to csv to get a csv file of the details of your search.

Below is a screenshot of the Organizations' Staff page showing all details:

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