Join an Organization

Join an Organization

Once a User has a new account, they will need to join an Organization in order to access any DD Suite features.

This is accomplished by logging in and clicking on Account near the top of the page, clicking the join link near the bottom, and finding the Organization in the list. The list defaults to all Organizations in the User’s state.

The list can be changed by selecting different filters and clicking on “go”. Once the Organization is found, clicking on “Join” will send the request to the Organization Administrator’s Dashboard. The Administrator must then log in and accept or deny the Join Request by navigating to Organization Administration -> Accounts -> User Name, changing the Authorized field and saving the data.

Hint: Grantees Do Not join a Council. Only Council Staff and Members should request to join a Council.

  1. On the User Account home page, click on the “Join an Organization” link to select your Organization.




  2. DD Suite will display a list of all Organizations that meet the Filter criteria.


  3. To narrow or broaden your results list, edit the filters and hit the "Apply Filters" button

    • In the “State” dropdown menu, select the state or territory where the Organization is located.

    • In the “Organization Type” dropdown menu, select the type of Organization.

    • In the “Search (like)” field, you can type keywords to narrow down the list of Organizations. The search is not case-sensitive.

    • In the “Search (like)” field, you can type a keyword to search. You no longer have to use the wild card % to search. *Hint: If you don’t know the exact name, you can type in a short word or use the “%” character as a wild card to search for individual words. For example:

      • Arc or %Arc% will search for any Organization names with words that contain “arc” (i.e. The Arc of Massachusetts and Human Services Research Institute)

      • School (space before School) will search for any Organization names that end with the word “School” (i.e. UMass Medical School)

      • Disability or Disability % (space after Disability) will search for any Organization names that begin with the word “Disability” (i.e. Disability Law Center)

    • Once you have completed setting the search filters, click "Apply filters" to update the Organization list with entries that meet the search criteria.

  4. Find and select the “Join” link to the right of the correct Organization.

  5. A pop-up dialog box will appear. Confirm that the Organization that appears is the correct Organization by selecting the “Ok” button.

    *Hint: When you attempt to join an Organization, an e-mail is sent to that Organization, and the Administrator at that Organization must approve your account.

Each Organization has at least one Administrator who is responsible for setting the access for other Users in their Organization.

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