Create an Organization

Create an Organization

Any logged in, a new User can create an organization by clicking on Account (near the top), and then clicking on create next to Organizations. When creating an Organization, a User becomes the Organization’s Administrator and can then allow new users to join the Organization. An Administrator also controls the access level of all other Users.

When applying for a grant, you must create or join your own Organization. Grantees do not join the Funding Organization.

*Hint: Try to find your existing Organization first before attempting to add a new Organization. Duplicate Organizations cause confusion. If you find that your organization is already on file, but the listed staff has left, login and file a Technical Assistance request.

  1. On the User account home page, click on the “create” link to create an organization.


  2. Fill in the information about your organization. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk*.


    1. In the “Name” field, enter the name of your organization.

    2. Choose the type of Organization in the “Type” dropdown menu.

    3. The Unique Entity ID (SAM) is replacing the DUNS number. The Unique Entity ID (SAM) is not required by DD Suite but is recommended.

    4. The DUNS number may be needed by the Funding Organization. DD Suite does not require this number, but it's recommended that you provide it.

    5. In the “Address1” field, enter the primary address for your organization.

    6. If your organization has additional locations, enter them in the “Address2” and “Address3” fields.

    7. In the “City” field, enter you’re the name of the city where your organization is located.

    8. In the “State” dropdown menu, select the state where your organization is located.

    9. In the “Zip” field, insert the zip code where your organization is located.

    10. In the “Phone” field, enter your phone number, including area code.

    11. *Hint: Enter phone numbers in any format that contains the ten numbers. It will automatically be re-formatted to the (111) 111-1111 format on DD Suite.

    12. If you have another phone number at which your organization can be reached, enter it in the “Phone2” field.

    13. If you have an organization e-mail address at which your organization can be reached, enter it in the “Email” field.

    14. In the “Website” field, enter the URL (web address) of your organization.

  3. After inserting all of the information, click the “Save” button at the bottom of the form.

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