Organizations Projects

Organizations Projects

Viewing Organizations Projects

The organizations listed here have applied for a NoFA and/or been awarded a Grant.

Log-in to the DD Suite and select the "Administration" module.



On the next page, select "Grantee Organizations".

Select the Organizations Project link

Use the filter to customize the list of organizations on the page. You may choose to include inactive projects and applications. You can also select applications, grants or both. Click "apply filters" button when you are done editing the criteria.


View the list of each organization associated with your Council. You may choose to select the “Organization” link to view the staff members in that organization and optionally, send them an e-mail.

Select the +/- link to show and hide details for a specific organization.

To show the details for every organization listed, select the “show details” link. To hide the details for every organization, select the “hide details” link.

Below is a screenshot of the Organization Associations page showing all details. Applications also show the status of the application.

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