Add / Edit Notes

Add / Edit Notes

Adding and Editing Notes for a Grant or Activity

Grants and Activities do not need to be deactivated while adding Notes

Notes can only be viewed by Funding Organization staff. Grantees can not see (or edit) Notes.

  1. On your dashboard, select the “Projects” module.

  2. Select the number of the appropriate project from the list.

  3. To add an internal note that can only be viewed by other staff, use the floating ‘Add Notes’ button while reviewing the grant and while reviewing programmatic reports.

  4. On the popup box, type in the new note and select the “Save” button. The note will be time-stamped and moved to the note history. Add as many notes as necessary.

  5. You can also choose to edit the notes by selecting the “Edit Notes” tab in the Grant Overview page.

    *Note: Notes should generally be added using the ‘Add Notes’ procedure; the ‘Edit Notes’ function should be used sparingly to correct spelling errors, etc.

  6. On the ‘Project Notes’ page, all notes that have been added can be printed and edited.

    *Note: These are not to be confused with the Programmatic 'comments' feature.

  7. Select the “Save” button to save any changes to the notes.

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