Grant Actions

Grant Actions

Grants can be created, edited, cloned, activated and archived.

  • Create a Manual Grant is used to start a grant without going through the NoFA / Award sequence.

  • Grants are typically active. If a funder needs to edit a grant, the grant must first be Deactivated. After the edits are completed, the grant must be Validated and Activated. Grantees cannot see their reports while the grant is deactivated.

  • Grants may also be Cloned. Some funding organizations use this process to extend a grant - resulting in two very similar grants with separate time lines.

  • Archive is used to remove a grant from the dashboard. To see archived grants, check the Show Archived box in the grants / activities filter list.

  • Deleted grants are considered inactive. To see deleted grants, check the Show Deleted box in the grants / activities filter list.

  • View periodic reports is a convenience function. Once a grant is selected, staff can quickly see all of the periodic reports filed for that grant.

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