Create a Manual Grant

Create a Manual Grant

Manual Grants bypass the public solicitation process, and allow the Funding Organization, rather than the Grantee, to enter all of the information.

Once this Setup information described below has been Saved, you can access all of the other parts of a Grant, including People, Outline, Work Plan, Budget, Report Dates, and Attachments. The information described here can continue to be changed via the Setup tab until the grant is activated.

Some parts of a grant are optional - Outline, Budget, and Work Plan. These are selected at the bottom of the Setup page. You will only be able to specify information in the sections that are selected.

When your information is complete for all of the grant sections, you will need to validate and activate (button top right) the grant. Once it is activated, the Grantee will be able to see the grant and report on progress.

Important Tip: If your access level is "Staff", make sure that you assign yourself as the Primary Staff. If you don't, you will not be able to complete inputting the grant after you Save the Setup page. Only staff who are assigned as primary staff or added to the People tab can edit a project. You can change Primary Staff to someone else once you are done.

  1. On your dashboard, select the “Projects” module.

  2. Select the “New Manual Grant” button.


  3. Select the “change organization” button to search for the organization that is associated with this grant.

  4. In the “Search” field that appears, start typing in a keyword that is contained within the organization’s name. As you do so, a full list of matching options will become available to you. Select one of those options as your desired organization by clicking on enter.

    *Note: If the wrong organization is selected, simply clear this field and redo the process to choose the correct one. If your desired organization does not appear on this list, you must first create it and then select it for your manual grant.

  5. In the “Project Number” field, enter a grant number according to your conventions.

  6. In the “Project Title” field, enter the name of the grant.

  7. In the “Start Date” field, select a date with the calendar icon or enter a date in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

  8. In the “End Date” field, select a date with the calendar icon or enter a date in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

  9. In the “Amount” field, enter the amount of grant in dollars.

  10. In the “Match Amount” field, enter the recommended or required amount of applicant match.

    Note: Only DD Councils will see the Match Amount field.

  11. In the “Area of Emphasis” dropdown menu, select the primary focus area(s) of the grant.

  12. Choose the primary activity type(s) for this grant.

    *Note: If you select “Other,” be sure to include the activity type in the field provided.


  13. Enter the goal that this grant is intended to achieve.

  14. In the “Primary Staff” dropdown menu, select the staff member in charge of administering the grant.

    • You can also add Grantee Organizational Personnel

  15. In the “Group” dropdown menu, enter an existing group in your organization that is associated with this grant, if any.

  16. In the “State Protection and Advocacy Collaboration” and the “University Center for Excellence Collaboration” dropdown menus, select whether these organizations are participating in the project. You can also list other collaborators in the field provided.

    *Note: Be sure to use commas to separate organizations listed in the “List Other Collaborators” field.


  17. In the Select Project Sections area, select whether there will be an Outline, Budget, and/or work plan in this grant.

  18. Funders can choose to have grantees provide work plan objective narratives and/or activity narratives in the periodic program reports.


  19. In the Work Plan Terminology, enter the labels that will be used in the work plan of this grant. DD Suite defaults will be used unless the funder has set different terminology using Administration->Preferences.

  20. Select the “Save” button to create your grant. You will see all of the usual Grant tabs appear, and you can now enter the remaining information.

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