Award Grant Application

Award Grant Application

Note: The DD Suite process for Awarding grants has changed. In earlier releases, a grantee was notified of an awarded grant. (The Award would appear in their Task List on the dashboard. The Grantee next had to Accept the award for it to finally become an actual Grant in the DD Suite system. This Accept step has been eliminated.) Awarding a Grant is the final step in the Application process. The grantee will be notified via email, and will be able to begin reporting their progress. DD Councils should update their default Award notice in their Preferences to reflect this change in the process. New Funding Organizations should add a default Award Notice in their Preferences.

To upload Award Documents, a second tab has been added next to Report Dates.

  1. On your dashboard, select the “Applications” button.

  2. Select the project title of the appropriate submitted application from the list.

  3. Select the “Award App” button.

    The Award Application page appears.

  4. Select the “Report Dates” tab to edit or add reporting dates for this application.

    These dates determine the periods for grantee progress reports as well as the reporting due dates.

  5. Once you have finished inserting all program and expense reporting dates, return to the main Award page by selecting the “award” breadcrumb on the top of the page.

  6. In the “Notice to Grantee” text box, award template language should have a default value.. You may choose to include further instructions related to the specific grant for the grantee.

    *Note: The default award template language can be edited by navigating to Administration -> Preferences. You must be a local administrator to access Preferences.

  7. Information for the grant is pre-filled with the information from the Notice of Funds Available. Edit any of the available fields, if necessary.

    Some Funding Organizations allow the reuse of the Grant Number. DD Suite will use the Administrative Preference (Duplicate Project Numbers) to determine whether or not a duplicate number is allowed. Duplicates are never allowed for the same grantee organization.

    Funders may decide at this time whether or not a grantee should provide work plan objective narratives and/or work plan activity narratives in the periodic program reports.

  8. Scroll down to view the current attachments. To upload up to 8 attachments, click on the Attachments tab.

    • See the list of up to 8 Award Attachments

    • Click on Edit to Add or modify the description of a listed document. The Attachment Edit page appears.

      • Enter a name/description of the document.

      • Select the “Browse” button, navigate to the appropriate file and open it.

      • Click Save

    • Select the “Remove?” to delete an attachment, along with its description.

  9. Review all of the information on this page to ensure accuracy. Select the “Save” button to save your changes or select the “Save and Award” button to send the notice of grant award. The Award will now be found in the Projects module, and periodic reporting may begin.