Grantee Work Plan

Grantee Work Plan

Grantees - Updating the Work Plan

A Grant with Grantee Edit status can be edited by Grantees. If the Work Plan tab is activated, then the Grantee can change anything in the Work Plan except the Strategic Objective. Once submitted changes are approved, they will be reflected in the Program Reports.

At least one Objective must be specified. Each Objective specified must have at least one Activity. The validation when the grant is submitted will check this.

Some funders may use differing terminology for this section. The terms used here are the DD Suite default terms.

  1. On your dashboard, select the “Projects” module.

  2. Select a grant with Grantee Edit status.


  3. Select the “Work Plan” tab.


  4. A view of the entire Work plan will appear. The Objectives, Activities and Performance Measures can be added, edited and removed from this page. Objectives and Activities can be re-ordered via the up and down links. The "Add Objectives" link is near the bottom of the form.