Grantee Edit & Submit

Grantee Edit & Submit

Editing and Submitting a Grant

Usually, a grant cannot be edited by a Grantee. However, a Funding Organization can allow the Grantee to edit a grant. The Funder will specify which of 3 tabs, People, Budget and Work Plan, that the Grantee can modify. Once the Grantee has finished the edits, they must validate and submit the grant back to the Funder.

While in Grantee Edit and Grantee Submit modes, Grantees and Funding Organization staff cannot update periodic reports.


When a grant becomes open for Grantee edit, it will be shown in the Dashboard Notification list. The Grantee can click on the link or navigate to the project as described below.

Editing the Grant

On the Dashboard, select the “Projects” module.

Select the number of the appropriate project from the list. The status will be "Grantee Edit"


The selected tabs will be activated.

Click on the tabs and edit the grant.

Once editing is complete, click on the Submit button. Note the grant status is set to Grantee Edit.

Submit the Grant

All of the changes are viewable on the Summary Tab. Scroll down to "View Grant Changes" for more information.

If no errors are found, the Grantee can click the Submit Project button. Once the Submit Project button is clicked, the grant will be in the Grantee Submit status, and will be "returned" to the Funder.

Note: Warnings should be addressed but will not prevent the grant from being submitted.

Funder Response

Once the grant has been submitted, the Funder can Accept or Deny the grant.

  • Accept - Grant returns to an active state.

  • Deny - Grant returns to the Grantee Edit state and the Grantee can make more changes.

View Grant Changes on the Summary Page

While the grant is in "Grantee Edit" or "Grantee Submit" status, the Summary tab will reflect all changes made by the grantee. This summary information is available to both the Grantee and the Funding Organization.

On the Summary page, each of the sections that the Grantee could change will have a red Alert Statement.

Within each section, Grantees can add items (new), remove items (deleted), edit items (original and changed), or leave an item unchanged (unchanged). Each item within a section will be labeled with what has or has not been done to the item.

New, deleted and changed statuses are in red, original item statuses are blue, and an unchanged status is black.

People Changes

Initially, nothing has been changed in the People section. Notice the item labeled "Funder" - this indicates that the person works for the Council, and the Grantee cannot change them. Everyone else is labeled "unchanged".

The Grantee has made several changes to the people assigned to the grant.

Budget Changes

This image shows a section of the Budget with no Grantee changes.

The Grantee has changed the Budget.

The entire category "Contracted Services/Consultation" was deleted. The informative display shows the line items that were automatically removed with the category.

Work Plan Changes

Initially, the Work Plan is unchanged.

The Grantee has made changes to the Work Plan.

Performance Measures can be changed in the Work Plan.


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