Grantee Update the Budget

Grantee Update the Budget

Grantees - Updating a Grant's Budget

All changes to the Grants Budget will be reflected in Expense Reports after the funder approves the Grantee Edits.

Budgets are organized by Category. Within each category, amounts are entered for line items. If the funder has opened the Budget Tab and set the Grant to Grantee Edit, both Categories and items can be added, edited and removed.

Note: This is the only situation when a Grantee can add a budget category. When applying for a Grant, or updating Expense Reports, Grantees can add budget items, but not categories. Remember that removing a category will remove all associated items and their funding information.

  1. On your dashboard, select the “Projects” module.

  2. Select a grant with Grantee Edit status.


  3. Select the “Budget” tab.


  4. Select the “Add Budget Category" link.

    • Complete the Category Form.

    • Enter a type of expense in the “Category” field. Some example entries include mileage, office supplies, personnel, space occupancy, etc. This field has a limit of 50 characters*

    • In the “Nature of Expense” field, enter the type of expense related to this category. This field has a limit of 300 characters*

    • Save your changes.

  5. On the Budget Overview page, add as many budget categories as needed. You can manage each category by using the Action links.

    • Edit - change either the category or nature of expense

    • Remove - remove a budget category from the list


  6. Select any of the “Add items to [existing category]” links.

  7. Complete the Budget Item form and Save to add a new line item.


    • Enter the Nature of Expense and Justification.

    • The Rate Type fields are a convenience calculator for federal OMB requirements. Specific fields will appear, depending on which Rate Type is selected. For most types, a Cost amount will be calculated. You will need to copy that calculated number into Council Funds, or split the amount between Council Funds and Match Funds. For more information on OMB fields, see the General Information -> Federal Requirements Help page. This information is also visible on Periodic Expense Reports.


    • Enter a nature of expense and then provide a justification as to why it is a necessary part of completing this grant.

    • In the “Funding” field, enter the amount in dollars that will be received from the Funding Organization.

    • In the “Match Funds” field, enter the amount of matching money, if any.

    • In the “Match Source” field, enter the source from which the match was received.

    • In the “Match Type” dropdown menu, pick the type of match received from the following: Cash, In-Kind, Other. None, or Specified

    • Select the “Save” button to save your work.

  8. On the Budget Overview page, click on Edit or Remove next to a Budget Item to change or delete a line

  9. On the Budget Overview page, DD Suite automatically calculates the subtotals for each budget category, as well as grand totals. Note the OMB rate information seen in the Justification column.


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