Grantee Outline Questions

Grantee Outline Questions

Responding to Outline Questions

*Note: All questions must be answered before the application can be submitted.

  1. On your Dashboard, select the “Applications” button.

  2. Select the “Project Title” link of the application you would like to edit.

  3. Select the Outline tab button.


  4. Review the Outline Questions and select the “edit” link for each question to enter a response.

    *Note: A response is required for each Outline Question.


  5. Respond to all the components as required by the Funding Organization. A character limit tracker appears in the yellow box on the upper right of the field.

    *Note: A basic Outline is provided below as an example for instructional purposes only.

  6. Select the “Save” button to save your progress.

Example: Basic Outline

*Note: Project Outlines will vary by Grant and by Funding Organizations. The example shown here is for instructional purposes only. Funders use differing terminology and the Outline for your application will be different than this example.*

  1. Abstract/Executive Summary (limited to 2,500 characters)

    Provide a one paragraph abstract that clearly states the proposed project goal, the proposed major activities of the project and the impact it will have on people with developmental disabilities.

  2. Qualifications (limited to 2,500 characters)

    • Qualifications – What makes your organization qualified to conduct this project? Describe, in outcome terms, the primary advocacy goal of your organization, and briefly describe your organization’s qualifications to serve as the lead statewide advocacy organization to implement the proposed project. Include information on the citizens represented by your organization, including the extent to which your organization represents individuals with developmental disabilities.

    • Staffing - Identify the individuals (organization staff) who will work on this project and briefly describe their role on the project (attach resumes if available).

  3. Detailed Narrative (limited to 10,000 characters)

    Project Overview - Describe your general approach to implementing this project and why you believe it will be successful. Describe the activities that have been completed to date to establish the cross-disability advocacy coalition (CDAC). Describe the activities that the CDAC has accomplished during the prior project period, and the cross-disability policy, budget and legislative goals and objectives that have been identified and/or are being considered by the CDAC for the new project period. Describe the activities you will engage in to assist in achieving these goals and objectives in the new project period.

  4. Accomplishments (limited to 5,000 characters)

    • Expected Accomplishments - Describe the projected accomplishments for the new project period.

    • Short Term Impact - Explain how successful completion of the project will benefit people with developmental disabilities and family members during the project period.

    • Long Term Impact - Explain what the projected impact of this project will be on people with developmental disabilities in the long term.

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