Grantee Manage Work Plan

Grantee Manage Work Plan

Visit Manage Objectives, Manage Activities, and Manage Performance Indicators help pages for information on these Work Plan components.

Funding Organizations may use differing terminology for this section. The terms used here are system defaults. Also, some Funders provide specific instructions on what to enter in some fields of an application. Check the application instructions carefully.

At least one Objective must be specified. Each Objective specified must have at least one Activity created.

  1. On your Dashboard, select the “Applications” button.

  2. Select the “Project Title” link of the application you would like to edit.


  3. Select the "Work Plan" tab.


  4. A view of the entire Work Plan will appear. The Objectives, Activities, and Performance Indicators can be added, edited, and removed from this one display. Objectives and Activities can be re-ordered via the up and down links.