Compose Letter of Interest

Compose Letter of Interest

After clicking on "Compose a Letter of Interest" from a NoFA/RFP view, Applicants will see the Setup Form. Simply fill in a Goal, and if wanted, rewrite the title and click on Save. Notice that there is a link back to the NoFA/RFP information.

After a successful Save, the Applicant will see Tabs for accessing the remaining required information. Clicking on the Summary will show the entire Letter of Interest.

Outline Questions

Applicants must answer all of the Outline Questions. Click on edit to enter your response to each question.

Supporting Documents

The Supporting Documents page has two parts. First enter any additional notes or information, and click Update Notes.

Scroll down to Supporting Documents. Add any attachments by clicking on "add supporting documents".

You will be able to remove any documents that you add by mistake using an Action Link.

Validate and Submit

When complete, return to the Summary page and review your information. If satisfied, and all Outline Questions have been answered, click on "Validate and Submit".

For Validation to pass, all Outline Questions must be answered. When this is true, the "Submit LOI" button will appear. You will have to confirm your intentions after clicking on "Submit LOI".

The Funder will be notified of your submission, and will evaluate your Letter of Interest. An email is sent on acceptance or denial of the LOI.

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