Funders can allow grantees to edit their own grants. The funder will specify which of three sections the grantee Grantee may edit: People, Budget and/or Work Plan.
The Reports (view reports) and Attachments (add documents) buttons are always available.
The Grantee Edit process
Grantee makes whatever changes are needed in whatever tabs have been opened.
Once the edits are complete, the Grantee can submit the Grant.
After submit is clicked, a validation page will appear. The grantee will need to correct any errors before they can submit.
Once all errors are fixed, the grantee can Submit the grant.
The Funder will review the edits and Accept or Deny the Grant. If Accepted, Program Reports will become active. If denied, the Grant is returned to the Grantee Edit state and the Grantee can continue to make changes.
Viewing the changes
While the grant has a status of "grantee edit" or "grantee submit", grantees can see all of the changes they have made on the Summary Tab. Visit the Grantee -> Grants -> Grantee Edit and Submit for the details.