Applying for a Notice of Funds Available (NoFA) / Request for Proposal (RFP)
To Apply for a NoFA / RFP, you must first have an account and belong to an a Grantee Organization in DD Suite. Once you are an active member of an Organization, you may apply for a NoFA / RFP (i.e. a Grant).
*Note: You can also access available NoFAs / RFPs by selecting one of the links on the DD Suite home page.
On the main dashboard, select the “NoFAs / RFPs” module.
On the NoFAs / RFPs page, review all of the available NoFA / RFPs and select the “Details” link.
Review the information for the NoFA / RFP and, if applicable, click either of the “Apply for this Grant” buttons.
*Note: An actual NoFA / RFP screen will include multiple sections with detailed information about the available Grant, project specifications, and Grantee requirements. This screen shot is for instructional purposes only.
The New Activity page appears.
In the following screens, you will be asked to provide information regarding several different components of your proposed project.
*Note: This screen shot is for instructional purposes only. Many Funding Organizations provide specific instructions on what to enter in some fields of an application. Check the application instructions carefully.
The “Project Title” field will default to the NoFA / RFP Title, but it can be edited.
In the “Goal” field, enter the goal that this project is intended to achieve.
In the “Area of Emphasis” dropdown menu, select the primary focus area(s) of the grant project. Choices are:
Quality Assurance
Community Supports
Cross Cutting
*Note: Some Funding Organizations will provide instruction regarding which “Area of Emphasis” to choose. Check the application instructions.
Choose the appropriate Grant Type. Choices are Non-Poverty and Poverty.
Select the Primary Activity Type(s) for this Grant Project.
Technical Assistance
Supporting and Educating Communities
Interagency Collaboration and Coordination
Coordination with Related Councils
Barrier Elimination, Systems Design and Redesign
Coalition Development and Community Participation
Informing Policymakers
Demonstration of New Approaches
If "Other" is selected, enter a value in "Other Activity Type" field
In the “Collaborators” section, select the “State Protection & Advocacy System” and/or the “University Affiliated Program(s)” checkboxes if those Organizations are participating in the project. You can also list other Collaborators in the field provided.
*Note: Be sure to use commas to separate Organizations listed in the “List Other Collaborators” field.
Select “Save” to save your work.
*Note: Upon saving the initial section of the application, a tab menu appears at the top of the page. Browse from section to section to complete the rest of the required information.
Application Info: Contains general information.
People: Each application requires members of the Organization to be assigned to three roles: Project Director, Financial Officer and Organization Director. You may assign one person to all three roles. You may add additional roles. All people assigned must have an active DD Suite account with your Organization.
FYI: Only members assigned to the application and Grantee Administrators will have access to the Periodic Reporting if the application is awarded.
Outline: If applicable, answer the questions as required.
Budget: If applicable, the Budget Page shows the expense categories defined by the Funding Organization publishing the NoFA / RFP. Add line items with amounts to each category as appropriate.
Work Plan: Objectives, Activities, Performance Measures are entered via the Work Plan tab. *Note: Funding Organizations may use differing terminology for this section. The terms used here are for instructional purposes only. If these tabs are present, your application must include at least one objective with one activity. Once you enter an objective you will be able to add activities and performance measures for that objective.
Support Docs: Supporting documents may be added one document at a time. This page also has a section for adding notes to your application. Select “Update Notes” to save your text.
Guidelines: The Guidelines contain a summary of the instructions detailed in this module.
Submit Application: Once you have entered all required information, return to the overview page by clicking on the Summary tab. Review all of your information. If you are ready to submit the application, click on “Validate and Submit” at the top of the page. Note that the "Validate and Submit" button is available from every tab.
Validation: The validation page will show whether you have correctly completed the application or if there are errors. If there are red errors, you will need to return to the relevant section and address the issue before you can submit the application. The pink warnings will not prevent you from submitting the application. The “Submit Application” button will not appear if you still have errors.
When your application contains all required information, you can access the “Submit Application” button at the bottom of the page. Once your application has been submitted, you will not be able to make changes.