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Browsers and user accounts

Page Header

DD Suite icon, dashboard, account, login/logout, help, organization

Entering Data

Red asterisk*, entering dates, entering numbers, using tab key, navigation, character limits, saving your work, notification messages, cancelling your work

How to Use Filters

Refining your search

Using Microsoft Word

Character and word counts, special characters, copying and pasting/character limits

Time Stamps

Date and Time on DD Suite



DD Suite 5 6 requires JavaScript to be enabled (usually the default) in your browser.


All users should have one of the following browsers: Internet Explorer v. 11.0+, Mozilla Firefox 3.0+, Google Chrome 4.0+, Safari 3.0+, or another browser that is comparable to the standards and performance of the ones just listed. DD Suite may work in other browsers, but no guarantees are made, and we may not be able to provide support to users with browsers other than those listed above.

Hints: (Tablets)

  • On some tablets, you may have to enter the full URL including 'https://' in your browser to access DD Suite.

  • You may not be able to upload or download attachments if you are using a tablet.

*Note: DD Suite does not support multiple windows open on the same browser, effectively creating a shared session. For example: a user should not have two DD Suite sessions open in different tabs of Internet Explorer or even two separate Internet Explorer windows. If really necessary, a second session could be opened with a different browser like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari.


*Note: Although DD Suite allows multiple users to be on the system at the same time, you should be careful not to have staff working on the same sections of DD Suite at the same time. When saving data, DD Suite will store the version of the data that exists at that moment in time. If a second person is also working on the same section, there is a risk that their work will be lost.

Page Header


DD Suite Title

Selecting DD Suite "title" in the banner, will direct you back to the home page. You will not be logged out from your session and may navigate back to your Dashboard at any point.


*Note: This feature may be especially helpful for user accounts that belong to several Organizations.

Entering Data

Red Asterisk

Any field with a red asterisk * in the label designates required information and must be completed before saving or submitting any form.


*Note: Canceling will remove all changes made since the last time you saved and re-direct you to an "Overview" page.

Search Filters

When you are unsure of the entire/exact text of a search string, you can enter what you know, and surround the search with %s as masking characters. For instance, "%request%" will return all matches containing "request". " will return all matches starting with "" such as "19.GR.1.3.2.a" and "19.GR.1.4.1.A". Most searches are case insensitive.


The Reset Filters button will return all filter settings to their default values - in both the current view and the saved filters. The retrieved list will refresh using the default filter values.

Using Microsoft Word

Character and Word Counts


When copying and pasting text from Microsoft Word, or other word processing applications, into DD Suite, you may initially be able to insert more characters than DD Suite field limit allows. However, if the characters calculated by DD Suite exceed the limit of the field, your narrative will be truncated at the character limit without notification. Check all copied/pasted text before saving to be sure the narrative has not been truncated.

Time Stamps

DD Suite uses Eastern Time for all date/time stamps in the system.
